Call Center

Updated On: Sep 5, 2024

5 SOP Examples For Outstanding Customer Service

Reading-Time 22 Min

Take inspiration from these 5 SOP examples to create effective SOPs for your customer support agents.

SOP Examples

Have you ever noticed that every board game comes with a set of instructions. These instructions set the rules of how the game must be played and won.  

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are also step-by-step instructions that guide customer support agents on how to resolve customer queries and deliver outstanding customer service.   

But for the players to win, the instructions must be clear and easy to understand. In this blog we are going to share how you can create effective and dynamic SOPs for customer service with examples

What is an SOP? 

Standard Operating Procedures or SOPs are step-by-step instructions that guide users to correctly carry out routine tasks, complying with the established guidelines. 

For example, an SOP for the ground staff at an airport will guide them on how to verify travel documents, make changes to existing flights, or upgrade seats. 

Templates for creating interactive Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

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What Do You Need to Include in a SOP? 

  1. Title and Purpose: Clearly state the title of the SOP and its purpose. This helps users understand the objective and scope of the procedure.
  2. Scope: Define the boundaries of the SOP, including what is covered and what is not. This ensures clarity on the SOP’s applicability.
  3. Process: Include detailed step-by-step instructions on how to correctly complete the task.  
  4. References: List any related documents, manuals, or references that help the users in understanding the procedure. 
  5. Revision History: Include a section that tracks the history of revisions and reviews. This ensures the SOP is kept up to date and reflects any changes. 

5 SOP Examples for Customer Service 

#1 SOP For Handling Customer Queries with Empathy 

The Article format is the most commonly used format for documenting SOPs. This SOP template is best for scenarios where the users require thorough understanding of the procedures. For example, handling customer queriers with professionalism and empathy. 


Handling Customer Queries with Empathy 


This SOP is designed to standardize the approach to handling customer queries, ensuring that all interactions are conducted with empathy and professionalism. This will enhance customer satisfaction and maintain the integrity of our brand. 


This SOP applies to all customer service agents and support staff within the organization. It should be used during all customer interactions, regardless of the communication channel (phone, email, chat, and face-to-face). 


Step 1: Greet the Customer 

Begin every interaction with a polite greeting and self-introduction. Ensure your tone is friendly and welcoming. 

Step 2: Listen Actively  

Allow the customer to explain their issue without interrupting them. Show that you are listening by nodding (in person and video call) and using verbal affirmations on calls and in chats. 

Step 3: Express Empathy 

Acknowledge the customer’s feelings with empathetic statements like, “I can understand why that would be upsetting,” or “That sounds like it has been really frustrating for you.” 

Step 4: Verify the Issue 

Repeat what you have understood to confirm details. Ask clarifying questions if necessary to ensure you fully understand the issue. 

Step 5: Offer Solutions 

Based on the issue, provide solutions or alternatives. If the issue requires escalation, inform the customer about the next steps and expected timeframes. 

Step 6: Confirm Satisfaction 

Ask the customer if they are satisfied with the proposed solution or need further assistance. This shows that you are committed to resolving their issue completely. 

Step 7: Close the Interaction 

Thank the customer for their patience and for bringing the issue to your attention. Close the interaction with a polite farewell. 


  • Company Communication Handbook 
  • Customer Service Training Manual

Revision History: 

  • Created on June 27, 2024 
  • Reviewed and updated on July 5, 2024 

#2 SOP For Responding to Emergencies 

To respond to emergencies, consider using step-by-step picture guide format, as visual guides help quickly diagnose the problem and fix it. This approach is effective for tasks like performing first aid, packaging orders, and responding to system alerts. 


Responding to Alerts from Cloud Security Cameras in Retail Shops 


This guide is designed to enable customer service agents to respond swiftly and effectively to security alerts from cloud-based surveillance cameras.  


Step 1: Verify the Alert 
  • Immediately check the notification on the security platform to determine the type and location of the alert. 
  • Review the live feed from the camera that issued the alert to assess the situation.   
Step 2: Assess the Situation 
  • Determine if the alert is a false alarm or a legitimate security concern. 
  • Use camera controls to zoom in or change angles if necessary for a better assessment. 
Step 3: Initiate a Response 
  • If the threat is confirmed, communicate with on-site security personnel providing them with specific details about the location and nature of the incident. 
  • If applicable, use the intercom feature through the security platform to address or warn the intruder. 
Step 4: Document the Incident 
  • Fill out an incident report detailing the alert, the evaluation process, the response, and the outcome. 
  • Save and back up relevant video footage according to company policy. 

Tips and Warnings: 

  • Tips: Regularly test the camera and notification system to ensure functionality. Familiarize yourself with the layout of the retail space to respond more efficiently. 
  • Warnings: Avoid overreacting to false alarms, which can lead to unnecessary panic and resource wastage. Do not ignore alerts without proper verification. 

#3 SOP For Resolving Issues 

The next-best-action workflows are best used for situations where the agent needs to ask the right questions to correctly diagnose the problem, and then provide the best solution. For example, resolving credit card issues. 


Resolving Credit Card Functionality Issues. 


This workflow helps agents identify and resolve issues when a customer’s credit card does not work.  


This workflow applies to all customer service interactions regarding credit card malfunctions across all platforms (phone, email, live chat) during operational hours. 

Workflow Steps: 

Step 1: Identify the Issue 
  • Condition 1: Customer reports credit card declined.
    • If: Card is expired. 
      • Take Action: Advise customer to renew the card. 
    • If: Card is active. 
      • Take Action: Proceed to Step 2. 
Step 2: Confirm Account Details 
  • Condition 1: Verify customer identity and card details.
    • If: Details match and are verified. 
      • Proceed to Action: Check transaction settings. 
    • If: Mismatch in details. 
      • Return to Step 1: Re-verify identity. 
Step 3: Check Transaction Settings 
  • Condition 1: Settings are configured correctly.
    • If: Correct settings. 
      • Take Action: Move to Step 4. 
    • If: Incorrect or suspicious settings. 
      • Take Action: Update settings and monitor for fraud. 
Step 4: Test Transaction 
  • Condition 1: Conduct a test transaction.
    • If: Transaction successful. 
      • Take Action: Inform customer and close the issue. 
    • If: Transaction fails. 
      • Take Action: Escalate to IT support team.

Decision Support Information: 

  • Detailed guidelines on verifying customer identity.
  • Steps for checking and updating transaction settings. 
  • Protocols for handling suspected fraudulent activity. 

Escalation Procedures: 

If the agent is unable to resolve the credit card issue following the workflow, the case should be escalated to the IT support team with a detailed summary of steps already taken. If suspected fraud is involved, escalate to the fraud prevention unit immediately. 

Revision History: 

  • June 2024: Workflow created and implemented. 
  • August 2024: Updated escalation procedures and added fraud detection guidelines. 

#4 SOP For Common Tasks 

Just like website FAQs help answer common customer queries, SOPs in FAQ format give employees guidance with their common tasks. Like resolving common queries, common HR policies, product use instructions. This is very helpful for new employees. 


Resolving Common Queries FAQ 

Table of Contents: 

  1. Resetting a Customer’s Password
  2. Handling Billing Errors 
  3. Assisting Customers with Device Issues  
  4. Handling Service Quality Complaints 
  5. Processing Refund Requests 


Question 1: How do I reset a customer’s password? 

Answer: Navigate to the customer’s profile in the CRM, select ‘Account Settings’, and click on ‘Reset Password’. Inform the customer that they will receive an email with instructions to reset their password. 

Question 2: What steps should be taken if a customer reports a billing error? 

 Answer: Verify the customer’s claim by reviewing their billing history in the CRM. If an error is found, apply the appropriate adjustment and confirm the resolution with the customer. 

Question 3: How can a customer be assisted with a technical issue on their device? 

Answer: Guide the customer through the standard troubleshooting protocol outlined in the knowledge base. If the issue persists, escalate to the technical support team and provide the customer with a ticket number. 

Question 4: What is the process for handling customer complaints regarding service quality? 

Answer: Listen actively to the customer’s complaints, acknowledge their dissatisfaction, log the issue into the CRM, and follow the escalation protocol to ensure the complaint is addressed by the appropriate department. 

Question 5: How to process a refund request? 

Answer: Check the refund policy for eligibility in the knowledge base. If eligible, process the refund through the CRM and confirm the transaction details with the customer. 

Additional Resources: 

Contact Information: 

For further assistance, contact the Team Leader via internal chat or email at [ ]. For technical issues with the CRM or other tools, contact IT Support at []. 

#5 SOP For Routine Procedures 

SOPs in checklist format are very useful for ensuring that routine tasks are carried out in the right order every time. For instance, procedures for closing a shop, safety inspections, and quality control. 


End-of-Day Closing Procedure for Coffee Shop 


This document outlines the standard operating procedure for closing a coffee shop at the end of the day. It is designed for all staff members responsible for closing duties, ensuring that the shop is secure, clean, and ready for the next business day. 


Pre-Operational Steps: 
Step 1: Lock Critical Areas  
  • Lock the cash register. 
  • Lock the entrance doors and all accessible windows. 
  • Lock storage rooms and stock areas. 
  • Lock the office door
Step 2: Shut Down Coffee Machines 
  • Turn off all coffee machines and disconnect from power.
  • Clean the machines according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. 
  • Drain and clean any remaining water reservoirs. 
Step 3: Clean the Cafe 
  • Wipe down all tables, chairs, and service counters. 
  • Sweep and mop floors. 
Operational Steps: 
Step 4: Restock Consumables 
  • Check inventory levels and restock consumables such as coffee beans, cups, lids, napkins, and straws. 
Step 5: Handle End-of-Day Cash 
  • Count cash and record in the daily sales log.
  • Deposit cash into the safe. 
  • Prepare bank deposit slips if required. 
Step 6: Turn Off Lights and Electronics 
  • Ensure all non-essential electronics and lights are turned off. 
Post-Operational Steps: 
Step 7: Final Security Check 
  • Walk through the coffee shop to ensure all windows and back doors are secured. 
Step 8: Document Completion of Tasks 
  • Sign off on the closing checklist and leave a note for the morning staff about any issues or reminders. 

Additional Resources: 

  • Coffee Machine Cleaning Guidelines (Link to document) 
  • Emergency Contact List (Link to document) 

Contact Information: 

  • For any further questions, please contact the Shift Supervisor or email the Manager at  [ ].  

Instantly Create SOPs for customer service with AI 

These SOP examples for customer service can give you a good head start for creating effective SOPs. But creating SOPs is not the same as reading SOPs. 

The platform you use for creating and managing your SOPs decides – how much effort it’s going to take and how effective it’s going to be.  

If you have a small team and a manageable number of SOPs, you can use word docs or spreadsheets to create and manage your SOPs. 

However, as your number of SOPs and team members grow you need a platform, like a knowledge management system (KMS). 

A KMS like Knowmax can help you easily create and manage your SOPs – ensuring that your SOPs are always up to date and easy to find for users.   

With our latest AI tools, you can transform lengthy customer service SOPs into dynamic formats like guided next-best-action workflows within minutes. And you can also create new next-best-action workflows with just a simple prompt and then edit it to better fit your requirements.   

Creating an SOP has never been this easy. See how Jupiter has transformed its SOP game with Knowmax:

Yatharth Jain


Yatharth has over 8 years of experience in CX, KM, and BPM. He founded Knowmax to make knowledge a genuine superpower for CX teams. He blends his experience working with CX and KM leaders across industries with the latest technology trends to build products people love.

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