Request For Proposal (RFP) Template:

From Inquiry to Evaluation to Selection: Your one stop template to help you choose the best KM system for your organization


    Things to keep in mind, while filling up this template: 

    1. Cross functional requirements - This template is a comprehensive guide but make sure that you evaluate thoroughly and add inputs from other stakeholders as required
    2. Make it actionable in nature - Consider key elements in terms of Must Have, Should Have, Could Have
    3. Adapt to your business - Add business cases, company language and internal processes while customizing this template

    This template includes: 

    RFP Document (Editable Word Document)

    • Overview
    • Preferred Partner Expectations
    • Project Background (11 points)
    • Business Challenges (8 points)
    • Project Objectives (12 points)
    • Project Requirements (8 points) 

    RFP Checklist (Editable Excel File)

    • Functional Requirements (188 line items)
    • Non-Functional Requirements (28 line items)

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