Knowledge Management Use Cases

Knowledge management addresses multiple use cases for different stakeholders at enterprises. It helps in achieving core KPIs for all users. A solid knowledge management strategy helps achieve desired goals across assisted as well as digital touchpoints:

  • Contact centers
  • Self Service
  • Branches & Field
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Contact centers

Knowledge management helps in transforming your contact centers into resolution centers. Starting from agent training followed by on-boarding, operations, quality & regular refreshers; a KM platform addresses multiple channels for all stakeholders at a contact center. A well-structured knowledge strategy helps in achieving  core KPIs such as reducing AHT, increasing FCR & quality scores, higher CSAT & NPS scores which leads to raising the bar of scalable & sustainable customer experience

Self service

The number of channels using which enterprises communicate with customers and vice versa is constantly increasing. Organizations want to promote self service for multiple reasons ranging from the shift in customer behaviour to reducing operational costs. This shift left approach from assisted to digital channels has its own challenges such as inconsistency of information flow, different devices & screen resolutions and more. An omni channel knowledge management platform ensures consistent & accurate information flow.

Branches & Field

Enterprises have started following the “phygital” approach. Branches are like micro head offices for customers and it’s important that staff at branches are well aware of all updates & policy changes to communicate effectively with customers. Knowledge management plays a crucial role in field teams’ performance. It helps them with the right information while speaking with the customers and also keeping a track of new updates or changes in existing processes by taking regular training & assessments.

Remote working

Knowledge management helps in managing a single source of truth for remote contact center teams. A central repository on information helps agents to find the right answers within their CRM without hopping to multiple windows. Quality teams and trainers can conduct regular assessments to ensure process health. Empowering remote agents with a knowledge management platform helps in achieving contact center KPIs.

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Professional services

Right from content migration to the ongoing management of knowledge and curation, we offer managed services to make sure that all your channels are updated with the right knowledge at all times. Our customer success teams ensure platform adoption by all team members and providing constant support to generate maximum return on investment (ROI) and empower you with actionable analytics to make data-driven business decisions.