KM Software

Updated On: Apr 1, 2024

What Is Knowledge Management Portal & What Are Its Characteristics?

Reading-Time 8 Min

In customer care, we’re on the responsive side of the business. It’s challenging to be active and focus on step-by-step strategies to help your clients achieve efficiency in the future when support tickets overload you. You’ll usually observe that the same queries and difficulties arise repeatedly.

knowledge management portal

If you want to help your clients succeed, a robust knowledge management portal can drive change. You can benefit from developing a knowledge management portal as it helps: 

  • Reduce support expenditures 
  • Boost client satisfaction
  • Enhance the total user experience and return on investment (ROI) for users


You can encourage participants to answer their concerns by addressing questions on the spot and providing the option of self-service. You may continue to concentrate on higher-value activities by providing these resources, which will help users solve the issues independently. 

Before diving into the details, let us first understand: what is a knowledge management portal? 

What is a knowledge management portal? 

A knowledge management portal or system (abbreviated as KMS) features web-based knowledge management that works as a single source of truth for knowledge assets, allowing employees to provide consumers, prospects, and each other with faster and more trustworthy information.

As a business, what should you look for in a knowledge management portal? 

The endless sea of alternatives might be confusing, whether you’re just starting your hunt for a KMS or would like to understand how to use the one you already have. Each company’s KMS should adapt to its demands, but regardless of your objectives, a knowledge management portal should have these fundamental characteristics.

5 Fundamental characteristics of the Knowledge Management Portal

1. Options for advanced search

Most queries asked by staff or consumers have already been asked and will be asked again. The goal is to figure out an approach to answer them all at once using the same data. An excellent search engine makes it simple for users to obtain the most up-to-date, relevant information while also allowing them to label, highlight, and remark on the material.

A KMS with flexible search functions also reduces the time users spend seeking information. This is a big plus for every department and team because:

  • Customer service delivers aid more quickly 
  • Recruits and personnel have easy access to training resources

Knowmax knowledge management system has an in-built knowledge base that allows support teams to navigate and offer the best solution to the customer. The self-service portal also allows the team to edit the interface as required and let customers solve their problems on their own via in-depth articles, guides, and FAQs. 

2. Access via mobile device

Users need a quick, accessible, and secure way to access important information wherever they are and on whatever device they’re using when working remotely. Your KMS must function in the same environment as your team. It requires integrated solutions, such as providing knowledge access without switching apps. 

With Knowmax, companies can provide cross-functionality and visual assistance on mobile devices to the customer for reference if they ever get stuck. It also helps improve C-SAT scores. 

3. Public sharing and user communities

No matter how informative and designed marketing materials are, they are only successful if readers share them.

A knowledge-sharing system that allows you to circulate material to external users is an excellent way to successfully lead prospects down the channel while keeping track of which material is performing and which isn’t. You can share visual picture guides easily. 

4. Analytics and reporting

Every knowledge management program should demonstrate its influence on the business. Which data allows employees to be more constructive? What are the most common inquiries from customers or leads? Is there active collaboration and knowledge-sharing among team members? Is there any genuine value in the answers?

Comprehensive analytics can help you identify relevant data while removing obsolete data and shaping the organization’s overall customer service and content strategy.

5. Boost the speed of learning

New trends will emerge in knowledge management systems, but these vital qualities will not go out of vogue. Consider the following as you start your quest for the ideal KMS: purchasing a knowledge management portal is like learning to scuba dive for the first time.

Before you take the plunge, you’ll double-check your gear. Choosing the right fit for your company should be addressed with similar caution. 

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Why should you pick knowledge management software with an option to create a self-service portal? 

70% of people expect a self-service tool on a company’s website, and trends show that this will soon become the standard. Customer experience is paramount, and in a congested market, using a KMS with this self-service provision offers a strategic advantage to enterprises. 

The benefits include: 

1. Superior customer assistance

We know that our customers’ success fuels our company’s success. Customer happiness is more likely to lead to profitability for companies prioritizing it. You can also provide customer service without raising support costs by offering a customer self-service portal created backed by a robust knowledge management strategy

2. Better customer conversion

A knowledge management portal can aid customer conversion. Consumers look to pictorial guides, instructional videos, and benchmarks when they need innovative products, systems, or services. Your KM portal may bridge the gap between an inquisitive buyer and a loyal customer.

3. Creates happy customers

An essential benefit of the knowledge base system is that customers can access all answers and best practices, leading to content and accomplished customers. Customers who are satisfied and prosperous purchase more (and more often) than others, and they share it with their colleagues, resulting in ardent brand supporters.

So let’s be clear: knowledge management capabilities are highly cost-effective.


When implemented accurately, a knowledge management portal can help your company improve customer happiness, lower customer care expenses, and boost overall customer success ROI. Knowmax – a new-age, DIY knowledge base platform to manage your knowledge – can help you achieve this with considerable ease and a high return on investment.

Jayanti Sabdani

Content Marketer

Writer. Storyteller. Literature Enthusiast. Jayanti leads content marketing initiatives at Knowmax and amalgamates in-depth research, interviewing, and product messaging to craft marketing content. When not working, she can still be found writing ( because that’s what she loves), reading, and trying out different cuisines.

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