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Decision Tree Generator: Create workflows for SOP adherence

DIY decision tree generator for better support at call center as well as self service portals.

  • Reduce training time
  • Increase efficiency
  • Standard work practices
  • Diminish agent errors

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Decision Tree Generator: Create workflows for SOP adherence

Easy to create DIY decision tree with drag & drop functionality

Just start with a basic statement, something that you are in search of a conclusion for. Read your customer feedback and reconcile it with your statement selection. Create your own decision tree without any coding or technical glitch with the support of our tutorial mode.

Easy to create DIY decision tree with drag & drop functionality

Insert hyperlinks to different webpages, videos, and media files

Choose channel for dissemination of knowledge using decision tree generator. Generate a link to the decision tree knowledge and make it easily accessible. You can create an interactive and intuitive knowledge source by inserting hyperlinks, and URL or images at any stage of the tree.

Insert hyperlinks to different webpages, videos, and media files

Interlink nodes to save time

At some point, the content creator might feel that further steps are just a duplication of the steps earlier attached to another nose. Save your time by simply interlinking the nodes thus directing the user to an already stated plan of action without working repetitively.

Interlink nodes to save time

Collaborate with team members

Creating a decision tree through decision tree generator does not merely involve typing by content team. In case of digital adoption it must be supported by digital team for content tagging and product experts must be present all along to keep solutions created correct and accurate.

Collaborate with team members

Compartmentalize decision trees in folders

It is not possible for agent to keep working on same type of customer complaints throughout. This is why decision trees can be elastic searched; they must be categorized into various folders for easy accessibility and quick view.

Compartmentalize decision trees in folders

Select various departments & channels for distributing

Some chunks of knowledge base might be entirely for internal use by organization while some might be for both internal and external use as well. Knowmax gives admin the right to proofread and approve content simultaneously allowing them to choose who can create, access, and upload content controlling distribution.

Select various departments & channels for distributing

Empower your support portal to reduce tickets

With decision tree generator being capable of pervasive integration, i.e., any touch point, any platform; it helps in diverting petty queries to self service platforms thereby reducing tickets piling up on agent’s desk. Lesser tickets mean filtered queries thus full utilization of time as a resource.

Empower your support portal to reduce tickets

Empower agents with next best action

Knowmax eliminates search problem by providing a Google like elastic search option that can catch the keywords typed and read within any format of document. Landing on required decision tree helps agents to quickly scan through all possible actions and choose the next best route navigating towards solutions.

Empower agents with next best action

Decision trees help user in reaching final decision by classifying actions step by step.

AI based DT to integrate with CRMs & backend systems

AI based DT to integrate with CRMs & backend systems

No knowledge is free knowledge. Decision tree generator is not just capable of integration with external knowledge dissemination platforms but can be integrated internally with organization’s CRM platforms and backend systems. It helps in reading where a user most engaged and what threw them off. Which query receives maximum views and what set of keywords gather maximum hits can also be easily figured. This analytics and feedback mechanism help in development and improvement of content quality bringing them closest possible to the users whether internal or external to organizational environment.

This is why our customers believe in us


less time to deliver answers


increase in C-SAT


queries self served


less employee onboarding time

Use decision trees to help your visitors navigate successfully through their problems quickly