Knowledge Base

Updated On: Sep 20, 2024

5 Benefits Of Knowledge Base Tools For Customer Service

Reading-Time 7 Min

The problem most organizations face these days is the lack of adequately maintaining a knowledge base. 91% of customers would use an online knowledge base if it were available and tailored to their needs. Knowledge base tools efficiently help create support material for customer-facing portals that can be disseminated through a knowledge management platform compatible with AI and ML add-ons.


What are knowledge base tools?

Knowledge base tools help create the source of information to be put out for customers. Customers could use this data to access specific data and troubleshoot queries independently. 

Following are knowledge base modules that the Knowmax knowledge management platform offers:

1. Decision trees

  • Interactive decision trees are step-by-step, mistake-proof solutions. These are yes-no solutions that put minimal effort on the customer’s end to solve any problem. 
  • The AI-backed decision tree derives solutions on demand from the integrated knowledge management platform.
  • Decision trees can be used on self-service portals on chatbots to engage with customers on basic know-how or get to know the product or service. 

2. Visual guides

  • These are mainly troubleshooting guides with media attachments to each solution step. 
  • Visual guides reduce the time taken to comprehend a solution with clear and precise steps with graphic support. 
  • These guides might be a popular customer choice since picture guides are crystal clear and self-explanatory guides that would not need extra assistance from a customer service executive. 

3. Articles

  • Sometimes customers would need more than quick step resolutions. For problems that require knowledge base articles & manuals or guides, can be the go-to knowledge base tool.
  • Articles can assist a customer in solving tricky problems by themselves. Through multimedia attachments, Knowmax articles can have any linking and multimedia to explain any process with support material. 
  • Articles might not be a popular knowledge base tool. Still, Knowmax’s articles have an in-document search that enables customers to find the section they’re looking for without scanning the entire document. 

4. FAQs

  • Most customers’ questions can be best addressed through a frequently asked section. 
  • Knowmax FAQ creator has the ability to convert any Q&A format into an FAQ knowledge base. This feature saves incredible amounts of time for any knowledge base creator.
  • FAQs can help customers on websites, apps, or any channel to answer all common customer queries without them having to call to find out the same. 

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5 Benefits of a customer-facing knowledge base

The knowledge base tools are beneficial to customers, contact centers, and employees. Let us look at those benefits below:

1. Access to the knowledge base

  • A knowledge base has been used around internally at the organizations for a long time. Its potential of it to help customers goes to waste if untapped.
  • The right way to tap that potential is by externally sharing selective knowledge base data on customer-facing portals.
  • A knowledge management platform helps customers access information that is otherwise unavailable or gatekept within internal groups of the contact center

2. Quick resolution

  • Long hold times on-call would irritate or annoy any customer. 
  • With a customer-facing knowledge base created through knowledge base tools, customers can get their solution in half the time it would take on a call. 
  • Quick resolutions can be provided to customers with self-service portals across all brand channels. 

3. No-contact solutions

  • In the pandemic era, it is vital to ensure the safety of your customers. 
  • With a self-help approach, brands can create the perfect environment for customers to solve their queries without resolving them in person on any assisted channel. 
  • No contact solutions also mean no calls. Self-service portals created through knowledge base tools promote call deflection

4. Round-the-clock support

  • It is challenging for humans to do a great deal of multitasking as everyone needs to rest at the end of the day. 
  • But self-service portals that run through the power of AI and bots do not need rest. 
  • Round-the-clock support can be provided to customers looking for solutions at their time of convenience through the customer-facing knowledge base. 

5. Brand loyalty

  • Being there for your customers when they need any brand must create a great impression on customer service. 
  • Customer service provided through self-service portals creates the feeling of being there for the customer, any time in need. 
  • The kind of assistance brands provide through customer-facing portals improves brand loyalty and impacts customer retention. 


A well-created customer-facing knowledge base with the help of knowledge base tools can transform the face of any brand. Knowledge base tools on competent and adaptive knowledge base platforms like the Knowmax knowledge management platform digitally transform how you reach out to customers with changing times. There’s no better time than now to get on to a better knowledge base and create a customer-facing knowledge base for your brand.

Prabhjot Singh

Assistant Marketing Manager

Prabhjot Singh, a B2B SaaS digital marketer with 6 years of experience, specializes in boosting startups' online organic presence. His expertise includes crafting tailored strategies to increase brand visibility, drive engagement, and boost conversions. Prabhjot's innovative approach and deep industry knowledge make him a trusted partner for startups aiming to scale their online presence.

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