Decision tree tool: the wizard of the word halt

Simplifying complex workflows & lengthy flowcharts for agents & customers. Apart from delivering knowledge, it works to eliminate all irrelevant ifs and buts from the information trailing down to communicating point-blank yet intuitive.

  • 360° solution coverage from all POVs
  • Ease of use for agents and users
  • Pervasive integration at all touch points
  • Permutation- combination application

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Decision tree tool: the wizard of the word halt

User manual

Apart from a tutorial mode, the working of our decision tree tool is simple enough for the creator as soon as they start. All you have to do is to think of a problem statement to start with and type in all possible outcomes as options. Following each option is a trail of possibilities connected by nodes to lead to/ interconnect with other options.

User manual

Decision tree tool for customer service

Customers require a solution to their problems even before any issue arrives. To a customer, the knowledge delivered must always be quick, prompt, and accurate. Decision tree tool simplifies the information communication thus simplifying reaching resolutions for the customers.

Decision tree tool for customer service

Decision tree tool for contact center

Decision tree tool can be used by the agents to use the ones that have been created and updated in the knowledge base. It simplifies the flow of knowledge thus speeding up the ticket closure. It reduces overall AHT and improves FCR and CX.

Decision tree tool for contact center

Decision tree tool for self service portals

The agents sitting over the contact system desks have to go through numerous problems, all of varied nature thus making the mental jump difficult. With self service, all repetitive and petty queries can be self answered by the user using decision tree tool thus saving time to self and agents as well.

Decision tree tool for self service portals

Impact of decision tree tool on contact center metrics

Decision tree tool acts like a visual summary pointer of a complete topic. While handed as a method to solve problems, it facilitates agents to envision and understand the problems completely thus being able to render quick and correct solutions. Operational at self service fronts as well, it helps to remove additional work baggage thus inducing clarity in service levels creating grounds for better CX and CSAT scores.

Impact of decision tree tool on contact center metrics

93% of customers are likely to make repeat purchases with companies who offer excellent customer service.

How does decision tree tool help at organizational level?

How does decision tree tool help at organizational level?

The data required for training and orientation of agents needs to be disseminated in a way that makes such heavy learning easy and engaging. Using decision tree tool helps to communicate it faster and better. Inter departmental information can be easily circulated avoiding any potential mix up. Interlinking modules and attachments further increases competence of the purpose served by a decision tree.

This is why our customers believe in us


less time to deliver answers


increase in C-SAT


queries self served


less employee onboarding time

Decision tree tool for interactive customer service with Knowmax