Posted On: May 1, 2023

Top 9 Customer Service Statistics in 2023

In an era of endless options, customer loyalty is harder to secure now than ever before. Competitive industries now focus beyond product and price, with customer service as a crucial differentiator.

Recognizing the significance of good customer service is vital for businesses, as evolving technologies and channels have transformed customer expectations. Younger generations particularly contribute to this increased demand for better service.

This article will delve into the most significant customer service statistics in 2023, analyzing their impact on businesses and offering insights on delivering a seamless customer journey.

Tip: Rather than viewing these customer service statistics in isolation, consider them with your current processes to maximize your service operation’s efficiency. 

Top 9 Customer Service Statistics For 2023

1. Customer expectations are increasingly on the rise

According to a survey by HubSpot, 93% of customer service teams agree that customer expectations are higher than ever. This means that customers expect more from businesses than they did in the past. Here’s why this is important:

  • Meeting customer expectations is essential for businesses to succeed
  • Failing to fulfill customer expectations can lead to negative reviews and loss of business
  • To stay competitive, businesses must continually improve customer service to meet rising expectations

Source: HubSpot

2. The majority of customers face negative customer service experiences

Research by Qualtrics revealed that 80% of people have negative experiences with customer service on a regular basis. Here’s why this is important:

  • Negative customer service experiences can result in customer dissatisfaction and loss of business.
  • To retain customers, businesses need to focus on providing excellent customer service.
  • Businesses must regularly review and improve their products and services to meet customer demands and expectations. Customers seek better prices and fees, improved product capabilities, and easy-to-use products.

Source: Qualtrics

3. Customer support contact volume is on the rise

FreshWorks conducted a study that found that 71% of customer support leaders have experienced an increase in overall contact volume since February 2020. They expect this trend to continue. Here’s why this is important:

  • Businesses need to be prepared for a higher volume of customer support requests
  • Customers may experience longer wait times, leading to frustration and negative experiences
  • Investing in technology and resources to handle increased support requests can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty

Source: Freshworks

4. The majority of US consumers report bad customer service experiences

A study by the Wall Street Journal revealed that 74% of US consumers had a negative customer service experience with a product or service in 2022, which is an 8% increase from 2021. Here’s why this is alarming:

  • Bad customer service experiences can lead to business loss and damage a company’s reputation.
  • Businesses should prioritize customer service to retain customers and attract new ones.
  • Regularly reviewing and improving customer service practices can help companies meet customer expectations and increase satisfaction.

Source: WSJ

5. Personalized customer support experiences in demand

Acxiom’s research found that 68% of people expect personalized experiences in every brand interaction, including customer support. This highlights the importance of offering tailored support to meet customer expectations. Here’s why you should care:

  • Personalized experiences can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Customers feel valued when their needs are understood and met individually
  • Word-of-mouth recommendations to friends and family after consistent, top-notch customer service

Source: Acxiom

6. Customer success investments lead to growth in customer service teams

According to Totango, 91% of customer service representatives reported growth in their teams between 2020 and 2021 due to investments in customer success.

Here’s what this means in simpler terms:

  • Companies are putting more effort into making their customers happy
  • This has led to more jobs in customer service
  • Companies can improve customer satisfaction and grow their business by investing in customer success

Source: Totango 

7. Increasing adoption of cloud technology in customer service post-pandemic

A recent report by Deloitte revealed that the pandemic has driven customer service team leaders to adopt cloud technology to better meet the needs of their customers. In fact, 75% of these leaders stated that they plan to move to a cloud contact center by 2024.

Here’s what this means:

  • The pandemic has pushed companies to prioritize customer service and adopt new technologies to improve CX
  • Moving to a cloud contact center can provide greater flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness than traditional on-premise solutions
  • Embracing cloud technology can help companies adapt to changing customer needs and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving business landscape

Source: Deloitte 

8. Consumers prefer brands that make a positive impact

According to Edelman, 63% of consumers today are more attracted to brands focusing on improving the world, indicating a shift towards a “we” rather than “me” mindset.

Here’s what this means:

  • Consumers are increasingly conscious of the impact of their purchasing decisions on the wider world.
  • Brands that prioritize social and environmental responsibility can build stronger connections with consumers.
  • Companies can benefit from aligning their values with those of their customers by creating brand loyalty and attracting new customers who share their values.

Source: Edelman 

9. Increased customer service issues post-pandemic 

Zendesk reports that the average weekly customer service issues have increased by 20% since the start of the pandemic. Here’s what this means:

  • The pandemic has created new challenges for businesses to provide customer support.
  • Customers are facing more issues due to disruptions in supply chains, shipping delays, and changing business operations.
  • Companies must invest in effective customer service solutions to address the rising demand and ensure customer satisfaction.

Source: Zendesk 

Conclusion: Prioritizing customer success in a changing world

Investing in customer success has become more important than ever as companies face new challenges and changing customer expectations. Brands that prioritize social and environmental responsibility can build stronger connections with customers.

The pandemic has led to increased customer service issues. Still, companies can adapt and grow by embracing new technologies and solutions to be future-proof.

Companies can flourish despite the challenges posed by the pandemic by adapting to changing customer requirements and investing in customer service solutions. Companies that focus on making a positive impact can attract customers who share their values and beliefs.

By prioritizing customer success, businesses can build a loyal customer base, increase brand recognition, and drive growth.

Overall, the key takeaway is that businesses can succeed in a rapidly changing world by prioritizing customer success and adopting a customer-centric approach.

By putting the needs of their customers first, companies can build strong relationships and drive long-term growth.