Posted On: September 5, 2019

Visual Guides : One of the effective knowledge management components

Support staff or call center agents often find themselves in challenges. They get through situations like how many customer requests they have cleared today or majorly how many queries they have responded to? Moreover, to deal with this, agents don’t have the best knowledge management components platform to count on content and its usage results. That’s where knowledge management system helps them to gain data-oriented and proactive insights in customer service.

 66% of adults say that the vital thing a company can do is to value their time, Forrester.”

This encourages the fact that support teams need to focus on efficiency & develop tools that more emphasis on customers.

How Knowledge Management components are helpful

The shift towards digital transformation is the need of the hour. Artificial Intelligence serving as a paradigm of this transfiguration resulting in continuous efforts of enterprises to digitize their operations. Among many, knowledge management is the key differentiator in the efforts made to achieve the best outcomes in increasing revenue, accumulating knowledge assets & mitigating data risks. This transformation is rapidly broadening the range of digitized services to commemorate customer experience (CX). So, this digital process needs to be appropriately used considering organizations’ critical & valuable knowledge data.

Visual guides as knowledge management components

Knowledge management amalgamated with Artificial Intelligence can be an effective way to bring internal transformation quickly. It enables the opportunity to take over traditional KM tools & processes. Knowledge management comprises of various components but with the tool like Visual Guides, it enables the art of moderating information & intellectual assets into valuable business strategy. The core objective of KM is to provide the right information to the people at the right time. Picture Guides as one of the crucial components of knowledge management make agent productivity faster, CX seamless, and resolution delivery better.

How Visual Guides manage knowledge

With the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI), knowledge management tool like picture guide streamlines information and present it visually. As it’s been said that a picture speaks a thousand words; it demonstrates the fact that visual guidance appeals more to customers. Picture Guides collaborate information and visual content together and can direct agents to act upon customer queries quickly. As per new challenges and customer demands, they need everything on-the-go. Visual guides one of the knowledge management components helps in identifying information & highlight gaps in the knowledge network. Visual guides prevent support staff from repetition & reduce the burden of queries. By simply making visual thinking tangible, it manages large volumes of information effectively.

Visual guides for call centers

In the current scenario of digitization, knowledge management is like a necessary game-changer. Picture guides as being a knowledge management component drive everything easily for CX agents. Through visual guides, agents don’t have to find answers from long paragraphs or bulk of the content. They just have to insert keywords, find query related answers, follow the visualized steps and there they answered customer query effortlessly. These AI-backed visual guides make an easy-to-follow pathway for agents to relax and go with the streamlined instructions given. With seamless integration with third-party systems and multiple device coverage capabilities, support staff can work without complexities.

Simple steps to create information yet so easier to find as well; picture guides give agents the comfort to deliver answers but vigorously.

How Knowmax enable visual Guide solution

Knowledge management components can do wonders in a systematic approach if conceptualized properly. Training teams can create content, add updates, insert media, and also can preview it before publishing. Knowmax provides the opportunity to review and approve content before taking it live across devices.

Lastly, feedback plays an important role. So agents can track and monitor content usage of visual guides and make data-driven decisions for the future.

Picture Guides empower support agents and promote self-care      Get a Demo