Posted On: September 2, 2019

Decision Tree For Call Centers: Raise The Bar Of Customer Service

Looking for a decision tree software for better customer service?

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Why do customers call at your service desk?

Your customers want instant resolution & certainly don’t want to call you if the information is made available to them proactively. Businesses today need to work on their knowledge management strategy to move their customer service into the next level.

Omnichannel customer service is on the rise and enterprises are leveraging multiple customer touchpoints for customer service. With multiple platforms, information consistency plays a crucial role and knowledge management software helps you deliver consistent information with an interactive decision tree software over assisted as well as digital channels.

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Introduction to decision tree software

Findability & actionability of information plays an important role for both machines and humans to deliver CX. With tons of information in the form of process flows, PDFs, Excels, and Word documents, it takes enormous time for service agents to search for the right information at the right time.

A decision tree maker helps you create complex processes in the backend and convert them into a step-by-step guided flow for front end-users and allow customer self-service. Interactive decision trees save a lot of time and ensure that the right information is accessible when needed.

Why do you need interactive decision tree software?

73% of consumers say – valuing their time is the most important thing a company can do when providing customer service.

Interactive decision trees generator help call center agents engage effectively with customers. CX heads can define authors in the decision tree software, which gives them the rights to create, modify and publish decision trees to agents across websites, mobile apps, and chatbots. This helps the support team to immediately resolve any kind of queries, thus, resulting in lower average handle time (AHT) and reducing Hold Time & Call Transfers.

Why Knowmax as a decision tree software?

The decision tree tool has other features, such as visual how-to guides and a knowledge base that widens the horizon for an end-to-end customer service team.

Apart from creating and distributing interactive decision trees, you can share information through visual or picture guides. These can be how-to guides for complex installation & troubleshooting, and hardware setup.

Our decision tree maker lets you preview content and see how it will be visible across different screen sizes, such as desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. You can also define which channels you want to choose for publishing these interactive decision trees; these channels can be a website, mobile app, chatbot, call center, or teams.

Agents and customers can rate and review the content, which helps authors receive constant feedback and make changes if applicable. CX Heads can get analytics about the most viewed guided flows and determine the resolution steps. These insights are useful when it comes to making changes in any process. Manage users and upload content in bulk to save time.

These trees can be integrated with your existing CRM software and come with features such as single sign-on (SSO), and resolutions are auto-copied and tagged in CRM, which saves post-call time for an agent to document the conversation.

Knowmax as call center scripting software

Trainers and customer support teams spend hours defining call scripts for service agents that must be followed.

In contrast, call center scripting software help agents deliver the right information and ask relevant questions when applicable.

Knowmax decision trees maker creates step-by-step guided workflows for the next best step.
Also, our call script software allows CX heads to suggest changes before approving the content to ensure that the right information is passed to agents at all times and that they have the right script for every call. Training teams can use these call center scripts for new agents, which helps faster onboarding.

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Ensure faster & accurate resolution

Knowmax provides a first-of-its-kind solution for creating & visualizing decision tree-driven customer interaction flows. It also allows you to upload media in the form of images, videos, and links to external websites for reference.

Our decision tree maker software allows you to add multiple nodes and make changes on the go, which helps in making call center scripts effective. Authors can also interlink nodes and clone existing content in the decision tree software, which helps in reducing the time taken to create content.

CX heads and call center operations can ensure that the knowledge base is not filled with unnecessary information, and using this decision tree software you can define if you want the content to be removed after a particular time and save an archived copy of the same in the back end for future reference.

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