Reimagine customer service with interactive visual device guides

  • Create simulative visual guides instead of plain text-based guides
  • Navigate customers through any portal, device, or appliance
  • Automate self-service through immersive visual device guides
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visual how to guides for customer service and support

pictorial guides

More than just
pictures/visuals :


Re-defines customer engagement


Improves First Contact Resolution rate


Reduces repeat conversations

Create immersive experiences for your customers

simulative how to visual guides

1 .

Simulative visual guides

The visual engagement device guides provide a simulative action-response step for users. Support teams benefit from this as they do not need to familiarize themselves with each product or service and solve customer problems.

2 .

Ready visual guide repository

Knowmax has a repository of over 18,000 + (and counting) device guide repositories. As more guides are made, more add to the storage. Thereby making content creation simple for first-timers.


3 .

Promotes quick resolutions

With visual device guides, customers can process steps and navigate the device, website, appliance, etc. Having visual assistance promotes quick resolution and less confusion among customers.

4 .

Supports self-service

Visual engagement how-to device guides created on the Knowmax portal can be shared with customers with just a simple click by support teams. These guides can be made available to customers on all self-service platforms.

visual guides for self service

5 .

Multi-channel support

Visual guides are scenario agnostic. Knowmax enables support teams to create visual navigation guides for any channel, product, website, app, etc. This method promotes digitization and ticket deflection at contact centers.

Supercharge your CX with Knowmax

Provide simulative visual assistance with

Through visual device guide tools, enterprises of any kind across telecom, health care, BFSI, and more can create mistake-proof navigation guides for any scenario. The no-code DIY tool allows easy creation of visual engagement solutions for support teams and customers. Enable exceptional CX through digital channels and self-service.

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When our customers win, we win

pictorial guides

How do Visual Guides help in delivering better customer service?

80% of people remember what they see, compared to ten percent what they hear and 20 percent of what they read. For providing a better customer experience, it becomes essential to ensure easy accessibility of the right content and information that delivers better and faster resolutions to customer queries. Visual device guides help keep users engaged via interactive pictures for various problems that the users might face, even for troubleshooting and device configuration.

Read more here

This is why our customers believe in us


less time to deliver answers


increase in C-SAT


queries self served


less employee onboarding time

Frequently Asked Questions

Do users need to remember visual titles for search?

Can visual guides turn into videos?

Can one customize visual guides?

Are visual guides accessible across departments on Knowmax platform?

Can we check detailed usage feedback of visual guides?

Can we migrate existing content to create a visual guide?

Want to know how Knowmax can be effective in query resolution ?

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