Knowmax leverages Generative AI to automate knowledge management and assists your CX experts with AI, so they don’t have to ever worry about where the right knowledge is.
Turn time-consuming information search into interactive question answering with Ask AI. Enter your questions and let AI wade through your knowledge base to give precise answers with exact information source.
Locating critical information from a hundred-page article can take forever. Use our AI knowledge base to summarize key information and empower frontliners to deliver solutions on the go.
Integrate Knowmax with your self-serve channels, and guide customers with actionable knowledge, so solving problems independently is no longer a headache for them.
Create new content or flip existing standard operating procedures (SOPs) into near accurate decision trees with MaxAI. Fine tune with human in the loop and make new content live faster.
Creating content takes time but editing can take forever. Trim long articles, elaborate points or change the tone of your content within a click with our AI text editor.
Knowmax’s AI translator ensures that language is no longer a barrier to expanding your customer support. Translate into 15+ global languages with high accuracy within a few clicks.
Reuse your existing knowledge and create on-point FAQ from articles. Fine-tune the content and publish in less time & effort than before.
Nothing is static, nor is your knowledge. Create assessments from articles to ensure your agents are constantly updated with current information.
Security is at the heart of Knowmax’s AI. Knowmax abides by data security and privacy laws established by various governing bodies across the world We have data security agreements with our AI vendors, so no customer data is used to train the AI models.