Global telecom player transforms customer experience and achieves $60,000 cost savings with Knowmax

$60,000 worth of

cost savings through AI content migration

Migrating content in only 60 man-days

of effort (instead of 360 man-days)

Improvement in key customer service metrics

like FCR, C-SAT, and NPS

global telco player

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    The client is a Fortune 500 Telecom Group with Middle East Operations and is part of a large global telecom group with 22 country operations across continents. The client works with the vision to build a digital technology-based society that promotes socio-economic progress, fosters inclusivity, and prioritizes the safety and sustainability of the planet and the environment.

    Challenges faced

    The client realized the need for a strategic knowledge management (KM) solution for its customer service org early on. However, the existing KM solution limited the ability of customer service teams to utilize knowledge effectively to create meaningful customer engagements. With the lack of an intuitive Knowledge base for information access, actionable and contextual knowledge was difficult to retrieve at the right time, causing the customer service metrics to drop rapidly.


    The Knowmax team undertook a comprehensive review of the existing KM practices and identified the pitfalls hindering support teams from accessing contextual knowledge for superior customer support. The content audit of the existing knowledge was done to make actionable and contextual knowledge readily available and accessible to support teams and customers.